Volunteer Availability Block ReDI

The ReDI database has a feature that allows you to indicate your availability for a week in the am, pm or evenings. If we use this feature, it requires the volunteer to update your schedule every week. At first, we did not think this availability block would be accurate and that we would be reaching out to volunteers when they were not actually available.

Now that the rush has subsided a bit and vacation schedules will be more active, we want to try this feature. There have been many times when a volunteer has responded to a mission in one location but would be available to another for the next shift and we were asked to choose. If you update your availability as it changes, then this might be a viable option for us to use to find people.

Indicating Your Availability

Your availability information will show up in the email that is sent to a program when you respond to one of its needs. This data is particularly helpful to programs if you've responded to an ongoing mission, or if they would like to reach out to volunteers who are available for a certain day.

Indicate your availability in theAvailabilityarea of your profile by going to your Edit Profile page and checking the boxes for the days and times you are available to volunteer. Click Update Availability to save your changes.

Check Morning if you are available for missions starting between 6 a.m. and noon.; Afternoon for missions starting between noon and 6 p.m.; and Evening for missions that start after 6 p.m.

If you include availability in your profile, you may be contacted by your site's manager if there are upcoming missions and shifts scheduled for your available times. This may happen if not enough volunteers have signed up for the shift.

If you are a student who has a new schedule each semester, or if you have a job where your shift schedule changes periodically, remember to update your volunteer availability accordingly

Opting Out of Volunteer Scheduling

A manager on your site can schedule you for a shift if you are available. If you do not want a manager to schedule you for shifts on your behalf, you can opt out of volunteer scheduling in the Settings area of your profile.